Donate & Parish Giving Scheme

Thank you for considering donating to St Augustine to support our work.

We serve the needs of our community with spiritual support and the proclamation of God's love shown through the ministry of Jesus Christ that should inspire and enable us to all live well together. We also provide some practical help. We need funds to maintain the quality of our worship and the ability to provide services such as baptisms, weddings and funerals. We need funds to maintain and improve the fabric of our building and grounds.

You can donate using any of the following:

The Parish Giving Scheme which is our preferred method that offers the following advantages:

If you sign up for it you will be setting up a direct debit that will direct all the money you decide to give to St Augustine’s and, if you consent, can automatically collect gift aid if you are a UK tax payer. It is also possible to index-link your regular giving so that it will rise with inflation. If you wish, you can join the scheme anonymously. Whether you choose to donate anonymously or not, your data will be taken, retained and used securely.

Once set up, you will be able to manage your giving on-line, by phone, email or post. 

The scheme can be found here:  ; the PGS Parish Code for St Augustine's is 370637270

Further details are provided in the attachment.

If you would like to set up the giving by telephone, please call PGS on 0333 002 1271 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. To identify St Augustine's as beneficiary of your gift, you will need this information.

Parish Name: Honor Oak Park St Augustine

Diocese: Southwark

PGS Parish Code: 370637270

Online Please follow this link to GiveALittle

Smartphone by downloading the link below to the St Augustine's QR CODE

Bank transfer Sort code: 56-00-46 Account Number: 13220594 Bank name: NatWest Bank

Thank you, your financial support is much appreciated.



QR_Code_for_St_Augustines_Give-A-Little_POSTERS, PDF
