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This week's prayer:

Almighty God, in whose service lies perfect freedom: teach us to obey you with loving hearts and steadfast wills; through Jesus Christ our Lord.    Amen.


SUNDAY 20th October

St Andrew's: 10.00 am Holy Communion AND 12 midday Baptism

St Thomas': 10.00 am Holy Communion

St James': 11.15 am Morning Prayer

St Peter's: 11.15 Morning Prayer AND 4.00 pm Church for All

Wednesday 13rd October

St Andrew's: 10.30am Team Holy Communion

SUNDAY 27th October

St Andrew's: Team Service, 10.30am All welcome - be great to see you there as we enjoy worshipping all together. So no morning services on this day at St James’, St Peter’s or St Thomas’s. As per detail below, anyone who can make it is also welcome to join us for prayer before the service at 9.45am.

St Peter's:  4.00 pm Church for All

Bible Readings                                                                                                                                                                                   
Sunday 20th October Hebrews 5:1-10, Mark 10:35-45
Sunday 27th October TBC Team service at St Andrew's


Team Prayers will now be taking place ahead of our monthly team service on the 4th Sunday of each month at whichever church is hosting that month’s service, at 9.45am. So the next one will be at St Andrew's Sunday 27th October at 9.45am. All welcome.

We’re also going to be intentional now about having a short informal time of prayer at each church before the Sunday services each week - so the person leading the service will pray with others who are there for 10 mins or so half an hour before the start of the service, so 9.40 ahead of 10am services and 10.55 ahead of 11.15am services. Everyone is very welcome to join in with this.


The Blessings Course
A date for your diary: Saturday 9th November, 10 - 11.45 a.m. at St James Church:
Blessings Course Taster morning, in preparation for the full seven week course in the new year which covers topics including: The God who blesses, Being blessed, Called to bless...
Come along to find out more: there will be a short presentation, followed by coffee and conversation. All very welcome.

St Andrew’s School - Zoe’s Place Fundraising
I’m guessing that most of you will now have heard of the major local campaign to raise the funding needed to stop Liverpool’s Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice from having to close. St Andrew’s school are doing what they can to contribute to this campaign - classes doing various sponsored activities, Mr Jones the headteacher doing a Delamere Forest night run etc. If anyone would like to make a donation to support them in their endeavours for this vital cause, here’s a link to their ‘just giving’ page:

Request for Wool Donations - also stuffing material for toys & pillows

Wool donations for our craft and chat group would be very gratefully received! Whether whole or part balls of wool, any colour etc. Also, at the moment, donations of stuffing material for toys & pillows would be much appreciated. If you are able to drop off to the craft & chat group between 12.30 and 2pm on Thursdays at St James’ Church Green Lane, that would be great, but collection can easily be arranged. Please contact Pat Dunbar by text message on 07795147109 or email at [email protected] Thank you!

All Saints, Sheil Road: New Horizons Project: delivery day fast approaching!

I hope your needles have been clicking and your hooks looping over the summer to produce hats, scarves and gloves for our annual donation of warm clothes to the New Horizons Project which supports families and individuals in difficult circumstances. My contact, Helen, is so grateful for the continuing generosity of the Maghull and Melling Team. Every item donated finds a good home. Good quality second hand warm clothes are also gratefully received. I plan to make the delivery on Friday 25th October.
For more information, patterns or to arrange a collection of items, please get in touch with me: Claire Sherman: 07427 616030. Thank you!


Craft and Chat: every Thursday 12.30pm until 2pm at St James in the fellowship room. Knitting, crocheting or any craft, you are assured of a very warm welcome so please do come and join us.  Pat

Tea and Cakes every Thursday afternoon at Melling Tithebarn……12.00pm to 2.00pm. A plate for donations will be available. You are assured of a very warm welcome so please do come and join us.

Bible Study: This will not be on Thursdays through October & November as bible study will merge with our 8 session Bible Society Bible Course detailed on the services and events page.


St Peter's Tea and Scones: everyone is welcome to join us for tea and scones on the first Friday in every month from 2pm-3pm, the next one will be Friday 1st November. Expect lots of friendly chats and live music by our resident Michael with his keyboard.

Bereavement Support: at St Andrew’s Church. Further enquiries, and if there are any particular requests for bereavement support, from anywhere across our 4 parishes, please contact St Andrew’s Parish Office 0151 531 8972.

Other notices

Foodbank: the Foodbank is based at St George's United Reformed Church on Northway opposite Iceland, on Tuesdays 10.00am-12.00 noon.

Tins, packet foods and toiletries are always useful. They will gratefully receive donations from 10-12 on Tuesdays at St George’s URC on Northway (easiest access is via the car park on Larchwood Avenue). Alternatively please do drop any donations off before Tuesday on the vicarage doorstep at 23 Green Link. Thank you.


Please contact us

If you know anyone who would like to receive this email

If there is anyone who needs prayer

If you know anyone who needs a phone call

Contact details:

Revd. Ian Hopkins 07914 505437 or [email protected]

Revd. Simon Elliott 07919 464348 or [email protected]