News from Upper Tas Valley Benefice

Every day at for 24 hours
Tacolneston: All Saints
Norwich Road, Tacolneston Tacolneston Norwich, NR16 1EF, United Kingdom

Please take a look at the regularly updated 'News and Notices' page on the drop down menu for updates; the most recent edition of the Benefice Magazine; on-line worship and social possibilities during the current Covid-19 emergency; and the updated Risk Assessment as our churches begin to reopen for Private Prayer, Worship, Weddings, Baptisms and funerals.

All Saints Church is open daily during daylight hours from 10am and is a collection point for donations to Norwich Foodbank. We are currently working towards accreditation as an Eco Church.

For more information about our benefice you might like to follow us on

Morning Prayer

Every day at for 15 mins
Zoom video service
Zoom video service, c/o Tacolneston Rectory, NR16 1DG

Begin Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (except bank holidays) by sharing Morning Prayer with others on Zoom.
Zoom id 819 938 4719
Password 349043

Holy Communion with Bible Study

Every Thursday at for 45 mins
Ashwellthorpe: All Saints
Ashwellthorpe: All Saints, The Street, Ashwellthorpe Ashwellthorpe Norwich, NR16 1EZ, United Kingdom

Every Thursday at All Saints, Ashwellthorpe - an informal service of Holy Communion with short Bible study. You will be very welcome!