Advent 1 Reflection

<div><span style="font-size: 1rem;">This Advent we are taking every day objects as a way to help us prepare for Christmas. Today the object was the common or garden gate.</span></div>

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<div><div>In a season of goodwill to others what gates have we closed on others or what gates have been closed on us? Perhaps we could try to open that gate - we may find it is not stuck but may swing open to kindle a relationship.</div></div>

<div><div>God came down to earth to be close to humanity. Have you experienced a "gateway" where you have felt closer to God? Perhaps in a special place or listening to a piece of music. Take time to look for that "gateway" where you feel close to God.</div></div>

<div><div>In the Bible we often read of beggars asking for alms at gates. Who are sitting at Society's gates asking for charity? As we prepare to give gifts to others, what can we give to those who are huddled at our gates?</div></div>