About Us

We are a friendly local church offering 2 weekly Sunday services  at which all ages are welcome. The first Sunday of the month is less formal and on the third Sunday we will sometimes include baptisms in the service.

8.00 am Book of Common Prayer - said

10.00 am  Sung Parish Eucharist led by organ and choir

Revd Mark, retired from his post as VIcar of Rawdon and Minister in the Deaf Community across the whole of Leeds Diocese on 2nd September and so we are currently in vacancy. However, the church is still here for you and our services will be mainly led by our Reader, Carol Dearden and our two local retired priests, Linda Ludkin and Carole Lloyd and in other respects the work of the church in the local community will carry on as normal.

Throughout history and in all societies key life events such birth, marriage and death have been marked by a ceremony, ritual or gathering of the community; these have often had a spiritual dimension to them. St Peter's provides services for baptism, confirmation, marriage and funerals. As well as formal services we are also there to provide guidance and support at these key times.