BCP Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 40 mins
Rawdon: St Peter
Town Street Rawdon Leeds, LS19 6QL, United Kingdom

Said Holy Communion service according to Book of Common Prayer with a short sermon. On occasions this may be a service of Morning Prayer according to the Book of Common Prayer.

Key Club

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Rawdon: St Peter
Town Street Rawdon Leeds, LS19 6QL, United Kingdom

A group for 4-13 year olds during our 10 o'clock Sunday service - Fun, friendship & faith. Bible stories, crafts, games & prayer.

Parish Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 5 mins
Rawdon: St Peter
Town Street Rawdon Leeds, LS19 6QL, United Kingdom

1st Sunday of the Month All Age Worship
2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month - Sung communion with children's groups, starting at 10.00am. The singing is normally accompanied by organ and led by a choir. Non-alcoholic wine and gluten free wafers are available on request - please have a word with the welcomer.
Refreshments are served in St Peter's Room after the service.

Morning Prayer

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
Rawdon: St Peter
Town Street Rawdon Leeds, LS19 6QL, United Kingdom

Prayer for the church, our community and the world.
All are welcome and we invite people from other churches who live in the area to come and join us in praying for our local area.

Harvest Festival

for 1 hour
Rawdon: St Peter
Town Street Rawdon Leeds, LS19 6QL, United Kingdom

A celebration of God's provision for our needs. Traditional harvest celebration with gifts being donated to support Hidden Homeless . Please bring tins and other non-perishable goods.
For further information please see the news article at https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/6919/news/

Community Lunch

Monthly. Every Second Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Rawdon: St Peter
Town Street Rawdon Leeds, LS19 6QL, United Kingdom

Community Lunch on the second Tuesday of the month 12 noon - 1.30 pm in the Jubilee Hall. Transport is available.
Pleasant atmosphere and a friendly welcome to everyone
To book please ring 0113 2504120 or 07934 605019


Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Rawdon: St Peter
Town Street Rawdon Leeds, LS19 6QL, United Kingdom

A time and space to relax and ‘tune in’ to God’s love and grace. Oasis is an informal and reflective time of worship, including music, a time of quiet prayer, and meditation. Why not take an hour out of a hectic life and prayerfully prepare for the busy week ahead? You will find a warm welcome.