Upgrading the Parish Room - April update

St_Peters_Room_plans.jpg Download

The working group is making good progress with the necessary applications to the Diocese and for grant funding to support the up-grade of St Peter’s Room, which will include the Parish Office, the toilet facility, the kitchenette and a disabled ramp. The architect’s drawings are being finalised and costs worked out. Shortly, the work will be put out to tender and it is anticipated that building work will commence before the end of 2023, though it is expected to take up to 9 months to complete. A flyer to promote the project and hopefully, encourage financial support from friends of the church, will be distributed soon. There will be disruption to the running of this area of church and adaptations will be needed but we are flexible and we will work round the problems!

You can download the plans (see download button above) and they are also on display in the church porch.