Giving to support God's work at St Andrew's

We have had to seek and encourage safer ways of planned giving as the church suffers from a loss of its regular weekly income, and also to help those who are unable to come to church. In fact, whilst expenditure is increasing faster and far greater than income, cash offerings are being discouraged, as they pose unsafe counting and banking difficulties, as we now experience, because of bank closures, as well as cash flow problems in these serious times, and difficulty in planning for a prudent, faithful future.

At St Andrew’s, over 80% of Regular Planned Giving received is through the PGS, which unlike cash/cheques does not have to be counted and banked, and for Gift Aid to be manually claimed, by church volunteers. PGS does not cost the church anything; everything you give to the church is paid direct into the church bank account along with all Gift Aid tax reclaimed. Please prayerfully consider PGS as your 1st choice for your Regular Planned Giving, even if you have always given your offertory to the church by Weekly Envelopes, or Standing Order, or Loose Cash/Cheque. Thank you for all your support.

For more details, please download the document file below, which has the contact details for more information on all ways of giving including how to manage changes to your giving through the PGS and information about legacies.

If you would like to give through Give a Little you can click here. You will need your bank card to enter the details.

Thank you for your support - God bless!

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