Our Church Building is Reopening for Individual, Private Prayer

We are not yet allowed to have services in church or lead public prayers. Our worship as a church community takes place on Thursdays at 7.00 pm on zoom. If you would like an invitation to join us, please contact Jane

We have done everything we can to make the space inside church safe

By cleaning all surfaces and door knobs between use

By removing all the soft furnishings, the toy box, the hymn books, service books and Bibles.

If you came hoping to light a candle, please stand a 2 metre distance from the sand tray and the person on duty will light one for you.

We are asking you to:

Use hand sanitizer provided as you enter and leave church

Keep the 2 metre rule and socially distance

Sit in the designated seats

Access written prayers via your smart phone either from the common worship or Church of England sites or your own Bible