
St Leonard’s Frankley Safeguarding Policy

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St Leonard’s, Frankley recognises the need to safeguard the children, young people and adults in our care and guard against the possibility of any form of abuse of children, young people and adults by persons who may be acting in the name of our parish. We aim to create a safe environment for the nurture and development of children, young people and adults, in order for them to feel valued and confident to ask for support and help. We strive to ensure that our policies and procedures uphold the importance of our responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children, young people and adults entrusted to our care. If you would like report concerns or discuss our policies and procedures, please contact our Safeguarding Co-ordinator, Jacqui Jones on 07790211641, or Rev’d Jane Platt on 07748693408 (retiring in December 2024). You can also contact the Church of England Birmingham’s Safeguarding Officer, Steph Haynes on 07342 993844

Saint Leonard’s Frankley

Safeguarding Policy – May 2024


The PCC will take all reasonable care to ensure the safety of the children and young people for whom it bears responsibility and will ensure the policy outlined below is implemented. The principles of care and the procedures for vetting leaders outlined in this document will also apply to contact with vulnerable adults. The PCC commits to listening to the concerns of children and adults who are vulnerable and will take seriously and respond to all concerns and allegations. The PCC will report such concerns and allegations appropriately as per the procedures outlined in this document.


1. The PCC will work towards adopting the recommendations of the House of Bishops as published in its policies found in the “Parish Safeguarding Handbook Promoting a Safer Church (2017),” “Safer Environment and Activities 2019” and the “Code of Safer Working Practice” and will ensure full compliance with Health and Safety Guidelines.

2. St Leonard’s Frankley will appoint a Safeguarding Officer (see Appendix One) who will be responsible for the implementation of this policy. This officer will report directly to the the priest in charge on matters relating to Safeguarding and Child Protection.

3. The Safeguarding Officer is the point of contact through which concerns about child protection and the care of vulnerable adults will be channelled and is responsible to the PCC for ensuring these procedures are implemented.

4. The PCC retains responsibility for all children and young people involved with the churches’ life.

5. All groups or parties who hire any part of the Church will be required to sign the safeguarding statement (appendix three) in the hirer’s agreement. Potential hirers who are struggling with compliance will be advised to access the resources available on

6. Applicants applying for paid roles that involve substantial contact or regulated activity with children and young people or vulnerable adults within the work of the church must be aged 18 or over. The recruitment procedure will follow the ‘10 Step Procedure for All Recruitment’, as outlined in the Safer Recruitment Policy (June 2013) for the Church of England and the Methodist Church of Britain.

7. Volunteers wishing to undertake substantial contact or regulated activity with children and young people or vulnerable adults within the work of the churches, must be aged 18 or over, complete the Diocesan Confidential Declaration Form, Personal Details Form, supply the names and addresses of two referees and must apply for a DBS certificate in line with Diocesan Guidelines. This information will be confidential to and securely held by the Priest in Charge, locked in the church office.

8. DBS certificates of paid staff and unpaid volunteers will be renewed every five years.

9. It is the responsibility of the volunteer / employee to inform the Incumbent of any event / circumstances that change the information as disclosed on their Diocesan Confidential Declaration Form.

10. Following an application for a criminal record check using the online CCPAS system, the Disclosure and Barring Service will send a single copy of the certificate to the applicant. If the certificate contains content, the Archdeacon will receive an electronic notification and contact the applicant directly. In such circumstances, the applicant will be required to forward their certificate to the Archdeacon, who passes it to the Diocesan safeguarding advisers to assess risk who subsequently notify the priest in charge.

11. It is for the applicant to present an ‘unclear’ certificate to the priest in charge or Safeguarding Officer. Such information will be confidential to and securely held by the priest in charge in the parish office.

12. All group leaders will ensure members are clear about their roles and the working arrangements of the group. Where parents / carers are not present, all groups will adhere to the following staffing ratios:

There should always be two leaders. On a temporary basis, while awaiting clearance, it will be possible for people to work in pairs, at least one of whom should have been cleared in accordance with these procedures.

Where parents / carers are not present, the minimum number of validated leaders over eighteen years of age will be as follows-

0-2 years - 1 leader to 3 children

2-3 years - 1 leader to 4 children

3-8 years - 1 leader to 8 children

8+ years - 1 leader for the first 8 young people, thereafter 1 per additional 12

13. Any activity covering children and young people should have clear procedures in place in relation to:

a. What to do in the case of fire or emergency

b. How to keep track of people on an excursion

c. How to record any health issues or medication requirements

d. How to get in touch with a parent or guardian

14. A properly stocked, clearly marked First Aid Kit will be accessible at all times.

15. Every third year the Safeguarding Officer, on behalf of the PCC, will make appropriate training available for all those involved with young people through church activities. This is offered through the Bishop’s Adviser for Safeguarding Children or the Bishop’s Adviser for Safeguarding Adults. The Safeguarding Officer will also ensure that new volunteers working with young people or vulnerable adults are signposted to any interim training opportunities that are available.

16. The PCC will publish on the church notice board a copy of the Diocesan Child Protection flowchart. All validated leaders and key holders will be given a copy of the chart and this Policy.

17. The PCC will carry Public Liability Insurance and will insure for personal accident all leaders and staff of children’s and young people’s groups.

18. This Policy and procedure will be made available, if requested, at the Archdeacon’s Visitation.

19. With the support of the priest in charge, this Policy and these procedures will be monitored by the Safeguarding Officer, who will report to the PCC annually.

20. The PCC will review this document annually.

Appendix 1 - Safeguarding Officers

St Leonard’s Parish Safeguarding Officer: Jacqui Jones

From November 2017

Children and young people’s activities and those activities which specifically involve engagement with those who are known to be vulnerable in the Parish

A )Messy Church whether meeting at St Leonard’s, or Holly Hill School

B) Messy Church at Holly Hill this is carried out in conjunction with Holly Hill School’s Safeguarding policy and St. Leonard’s safeguarding policy

C) Messy Church Trips or other Messy Church external activities

D) The 11.15am morning service should children be taken out for activities away from the main worship

E) Any who volunteer with children or vulnerable adults who are connected to the Tuesday service which meets in Holly Hill School on the Frankley Estate

F) Any members who visit on behalf of the church those who are housebound, bereaved, ill or whose circumstances suggest additional pastoral care is needed.

This list was correct as of May 2024 and will be renewed and updated as appropriate annually.

Hirer’s Safeguarding Statement

Hirers of Church Premises

Name of Parish: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date of Event: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Type of Event: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Please complete either section 1 or 2

1. Organisations

Organisations who hire church premises for work with children, young people and vulnerable adults should complete the following statement:

The organisation. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

confirms that it is familiar with the document ‘What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused’, (Department for Education and Skills (2006)), Recruiting Safely guidance from the Children’s Workforce Development Council (2009) and with the safeguarding policy of this Parish. The workers/volunteers who will staff the activities held on these premises on behalf of the organisation, understand these policies and procedures and undertake to follow the recommendations contained therein in relation to their work with children, young people and vulnerable adults on these premises.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(on behalf of the organisation)

Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Private Individuals

Private individuals hiring church premises for the purpose of ad-hoc or personally invited events at which children will be present, should complete the following statement:

I ______________________(in block capitals) agree to take full responsibility for the welfare of the children and young people who attend the event on the above date.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Please be aware that your activity is not covered by

the church’s insurance.

Diocesan Child Protection presented as a flow chart displayed in church porch

Taking Action when you have concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult or when an allegation has been made:

1. Share your concerns with the Vicar and/or Parish Safeguarding Officer. Make a record of the discussion and any decisions reached.

2. If the child / vulnerable adult is at risk of harm or an allegation of abuse has been made, refer to social services as soon as possible. Inform Bishop’s Safeguarding Adviser within 24 hours.

3. Seek advice from the Bishop’s Safeguarding Adviser. Make a record of the discussion and any decisions reached.

Possible Decisions:

a) No further action

b) Continue to observe & offer opportunities for the child / vulnerable adult to confide in you.

c) If safe, speak to parent(s)/carer(s)

d) Refer to social care services.

Review within agreed timescales with Bishop’s Safeguarding Adviser if b or c has been decided upon

NOTE: If the concern is urgent or the child is in danger contact the emergency services and/or Out of Hours social care services (Emergency Duty Team) immediately. Contact the Vicar and/or Parish Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible. Always inform the Bishop’s Safeguarding Adviser within 24 hours of any referral made to social care services

Priest in Charge Revd Jane Platt 07748693408 until the end of December 2024

Parish Safeguarding Officer Jacqui Jones 07790211641

Bishop’s Adviser for Safeguarding: Steph Haynes on 07342 993844

Bishop: Rt Rev’d Michael Volland - 0121 427 1163

Nearest Police Station: West Mercia Rubery (no public service counter) or Redditch - 0300 333 3000

Worcestershire Emergency Duty Team (Social Services): 01905 768020

Birmingham Emergency Duty Team (Social Services): 0121 675 4806

Parish of St Leonard’s, Frankley Policy for Responding to Domestic Abuse

All forms of domestic abuse are wrong and must stop. We are committed to promoting and supporting environments which:

• ensure that all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse;

• protect those vulnerable to domestic abuse from actual or potential harm;

• recognise equality amongst people and within relationships;

• enable and encourage concerns to be raised and responded to appropriately and consistently.

We recognise that: • all forms of domestic abuse cause damage to the survivor and express an imbalance of power in the relationship;

• all survivors (regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity) have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse;

• domestic abuse can occur in all communities;

• domestic abuse may be a single incident, but is usually a systematic, repeated pattern which escalates in severity and frequency;

• domestic abuse, if witnessed or overheard by a child, is a form of abuse by the perpetrator of the abusive behaviour;

• working in partnership with children, adults and other agencies is essential in promoting the welfare of any child or adult suffering abuse.

We will endeavour to respond to domestic abuse in all our activities by • valuing, listening to and respecting both survivors and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.

In our publicity by • raising awareness about other agencies, support services, resources and expertise, through providing information in public and women-only areas of relevance to survivors, children and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.

When concerns are raised by • ensuring that those who have experienced abuse can find safety and informed help;

• working with the appropriate statutory bodies during an investigation into domestic abuse, including when allegations are made against a member of the church community.

In our care by • ensuring that informed and appropriate pastoral care is offered to any child, young person or adult who has suffered abuse;

• identifying and outlining the appropriate relationship of those with pastoral care responsibilities with both survivors and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.

If you have any concerns or need to talk to anyone please contact …Revd Jane Platt 07748693408 or our PCC Domestic Abuse safeguarding lead Ms Louise Field …07427656110

or Parish Safeguarding Officer, Jacqui Jones on 07790211641

Key telephone numbers for sources of help

• National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247

• Legal support (National Centre for Domestic Violence): 0844 8044 999 – provides a free, fast, emergency injunction service for victims of domestic abuse

• Male victims (Respect): 0808 801 0327

• Helpline for domestic abuse in same sex relationships: 0800 999 5428

Updated and approved by the PCC on May 2024