Friends of All Saints

The Friends of All Saints Church Renhold is a registered Charity,set up to maintain the village church for future generations - Can you help?

The aim of the friends is to help secure a constant flow of funds to maintain, preserve and improve our Church buildings and graveyard.

This Church has been important to generations of parishioners who have worshipped here. Their children have been baptised in its font, couples have been joined in marriage and loved ones have been laid to rest in the churchyard and to those who continue to attend services, it is important as a place of worship.

However, it is also appreciated by so many other residents of Renhold and it is part of the village and parish identity, especially significant as the village expands.

Over the years many have contributed money and time to maintain this most beautiful medieval church, however The Friends of All Saints’ strive to ensure that the burden of looking after it doesn’t fall solely on the congregation. They run a variety of fund raising events through out the year, including a very popular annual Village quiz. Recently they hosted an evening with Pam Rhodes, who accompanied by our Organist and the Toddington Town band, looked at the history of some of our most popular hymns.

In recent years, funds have been used to improve disabled access to the Church, provide improvements to the lighting, fund urgent maintenance to the roof and much more.

How can you help ?

You can help by becoming a “Friend” through an annual or one-off lifetime donation. Simply complete and return the application form below. Additionally, you can help by raising money for the Friends of All Saints Charity, assisting at fund raising events and social occasions organised by “The Friends”.

All “Friends” will receive a copy of our annual report and accounts as well as regular updates.

The Charity is overseen by trustees and provides regular updates on their activity to the PCC. As a registered Charity all funds collected are restricted in use for the preservation, maintenance, repair, restoration and improvement of the building fabric and surroundings of the church.

Further details may be found on the Charity Commission for England and Wales website.

Charity number: 108001

Application form, PDF
