
Arrival & Departure, moving around church

Face coverings are currently a matter of personal choice.  For the safety of others we would be grateful if you could wear a face covering if you are able to, when moving around the church.  

At the entrance, there will be hand sanitiser which we would be grateful if you could use on entry and again on exit.  

Please respect social distancing where possible.


For now, communion will only be offered in one kind from a covered ciborium.

The advice is that ‘Each communicant should also be encouraged to sanitise their hands before and after removing their face covering to receive the bread, and before and after putting it on again.’ It would be helpful if you could bring your own sanitiser with you for this purpose to prevent delays. Please let one of the welcomers know on arrival if you do not have any as we will have some available.

Only the president will handle the wafers during the distribution – please cup your hands in order that the priest may gently drop the consecrated wafer onto your palm.

The words of distribution and response will be said before the administration ('The body and blood of Christ - please respond Amen); Holy Communion is then administered in silence without any words from the President.


Offertory plates for your donations will be positioned at the back, but there will not be a collection during our worship.

If you would like to make a regular donation to St Mary's to help us maintain the building and the services we provide, we would be very grateful.  Please get in touch.