The Week Ahead

Week Ahead - If you would like links to services emailed to you, or the Zoom meeting links, please email [email protected]

Monday 22
8:30am Morning Prayer
2:00pm Bible Study on Jeremiah, Digswell Village Church

Tuesday 23 ST GEORGE
8:50am School Assembly at St John's School
0:00am Eucharist [Christ the King Hub]
Preacher: Fr Mike
12:30pm St George's Pub Lunch at The Cowper Arms
7:30pm Parish Bible Study via Zoom
8:30pm Compline a link is sent

Wednesday 24
8:30am Morning Prayer
11:00am Wedding Rehearsal in St John's

Thursday 25
11:00am Fr Rob officiating at the funeral of his Uncle, the late Gordon Embly, in Hull
8:00pm PCC meets
via Zoom
8:30pm Compline a link is sent

Friday 26
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am Coffee Pot [St John's Cafe]

Saturday 27
8:30am Morning Prayer

9:30am Hub Cafe [Christ the King Hub]

Sunday 28 EASTER 5
Audio Service for This Week a link is sent
9:30am Parish Eucharist at St John's Church
11:00am All Age Worship - Anglican led at Digswell Village Church
2:00pm Holy Matrimony at St John's