Facilities and features


There are toilets in the Church Room, which is open when the church is in use.

There is a disabled toilet in the Church Room.

Set hearing aids to the 'T' position

Our Building

Essendon Church is a Grade II* listed building

Music and Worship

There are 8 bells hung for change ringing. The ringers' practice is at 8pm on Tuesdays, and the bells are rung before most church services. Visiting ringers are always welcome. Tuition is available. For more information please visit the ringers' web site https://www.essendonbells.great-site.net/

The 2 manual 'Father' Willis organ was built in 1884, rebuilt by Henry Jones in 1917 and extended by Saxon Aldred in 1996.

Holy Communion 9.30am on Wednesdays

There is a small SAB choir but no resident organist so no choir practices are held. To join please contact Paula on 01707 261389

Groups, Courses and Activities

Sunday Club every Sunday during term time (except during Family Services) - currently suspended

There are several brasses in the church. To view them or take rubbings please contact one of the churchwardens.

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