
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Revd Valmor Pimenta, Vicar
07950 897771
Meridian Benefice Office
01487 829882

Getting here

This beautiful 13th century church lists the Rectors
back to 1217 including Henry Sayers the father of
Dorothy Leigh Sayers, author and creator of the
Lord Peter Wimsey series. His partial restoration
and expansion to a ring of eight bells in 1910 was
completed in 2004 when the bells were rehung in a
new iron frame. This made full circle ringing
possible for the first time for 160 years. A small but
faithful congregation carries the gospel forward for
a new generation in the hope that it too will be
restored and renewed. Holiday makers, visitors and
The community will all receive a warm welcome

Rectory Road
PE28 3LN

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