Facilities and features
Large print Bibles
Our Building
Silver Award
Monday, Weds and Friday from 2 to 4pm
Free to all - with a focus on Seniors - just come along!
Warm Welcome. Warm Drink. Warm Friendship.
Music and Worship
9am Service
10.30 am service and 6pm Service
Groups, Courses and Activities
St Paul's Church runs the Alpha Course every January. Please see the church website for more details.
Small Groups that meet weekly for Bible Study and prayer
Brownies meet on Mondays at 5.45pm and Tuesdays at 5.30pm on the Church premises.
St Paul's runs a holiday club every February half-term for 5-11 year olds.
Pastoral team
First Sunday of each month we have a Cafe Church with activities and craft
Parents of Teens Network
St Paul's Church Nursery operates from purpose built rooms on the ground floor of the Church Centre. It has been rated as Outstanding by OFSTED. Please see the church website for more details.
Rainbows meet on Tuesdays at 5.30pm on the Church premises.
XL: Thursdays 4.30-7pm for school year 4 and up. A hot meal followed by games, songs, discussions, Bible time, prayer and a lot of fun. Meets in St Paul's Church Centre.
The Point: Fridays 7.45-9.15pm for school year 7 and up. A mix of games, food and some teaching - providing a time for Christian young people to socialise together and to introduce their non-Christian friends to the group. Meets at Crossways Baptist Church, Junction Road, Dorking.
Wed Night Youth: Wednesdays 7.30-8.45pm for 14-18 year olds. Discussion group.
Help for Visitors
Early Bird Cafe is open in Church from 8.45-10am each weekday in term time. Everyone is welcome.
Fresh fairtrade coffee and tea; Toddler play area; A place to relax and chat with friends; Space to prepare for the day; Someone to talk to; WiFi available on request.
St Paul's Church and Centre is open to visitors from 8.45am to 12.30pm during term time.
Other Features
St Paul's Church actively support Traidcraft and the Fair Trade Foundation by regularly buying, promoting and campaigning about the issues relating to fair trade.
Our local Foodbank is run by Churches Together in Dorking. It is open twice a week on Tuesday (5-6.30pm) and Thursday (2.03-4pm). Please see the website for more details: www.dorkingarea.foodbank.org.uk