About Us

All are welcome!

We represent a variety of denominational, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Some are here in Turku for a shorter period of time and others have moved to Finland permanently and some are Finns with an international background. Many of the people attending our services are members of the Lutheran Church. Some are members of the Anglican Church in Finland, with which we have special collaboration under the Porvoo Agreement. Some are members of the churches where they have come from, and represent a wide range of different churches in different countries. We invite all baptized Christians to holy communion.

We are part of the Turku Cathedral Congregation. Our service is every Sunday at the Turku Cathedral at 4 pm. Usually we celebrate in English and follow practices of the Church of England. Once in a month we have a Mass of Trust, a mass with Taizé-songs. Our Services are in English for people of all ages who have moved to Finland from other parts of the world. 

We have our own  Facebook group The Turku Cathedral International Congregation TCIC.

You are welcome to join us - both in person and online!