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For services this Sunday see the page Worship in our Chaplaincy this Sunday


The week ahead

 Tue: 19h45 - 21h15 Bible Study meeting on Zoom (see below): note changed link for this meeting only -

Wed: Feast of the week - Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester, Spiritual Writer, 1555-1626 Lancelot Andrewes was born in Barking, Essex - he was an intelligent child, who showed an amazing capacity for learning languages: as an adult he was fluent in Latin, Greek, Hebrew and eighteen other languages. After Oxford he held a number of posts in the newly emerged and rapidly evolving Church of England, eventually becoming Bishop of Winchester. He was on the committee of scholars that produced the King James Translation of the Bible, and probably contributed more to that work than any other single person. It is accordingly no surprise to find him not only a devout writer but a learned and eloquent one, a master of English prose. His sermons were popular in his own day, but are perhaps too academic for most modern readers. He prepared for his own use a manuscript notebook of Private Prayers, which was published after his death. The material was apparently intended, not to be read aloud, but to serve as a guide and stimulus to devout meditation.

Sat: 17h00 Harvest Choral Evensong at Basilica Saint Gervais in Avranches with choir 'Cantabile' (see below)

This Sunday (29th Sept) is the FEAST OF SS MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS

Hommeel Church Gratot: 11h00 Holy Eucharist, followed by 'Picnic with the Parson'
Avranches: 16h00 Songs of Praise

STEWARDSHIP PLEDGE SUNDAY   This Sunday sees the completion of our first Stewardship Campaign. Thank you to all who have already responded: on this Pledge Sunday we invite you to return your pledge form via the collection plate at the service if you haven't already done so - if you put it in a sealed envelope addressed to our Treasurer Adrian Feather, it will be passed to him unopened to preserve your confidentiality.As we are often reminded, we give in lots of different ways - money has necessarily been the focus this year, but all forms of giving to prosper the work of our Chaplaincy are important. If you would like to offer other things - an ability or a talent, a service, an idea, hope or vision - please put it in a sealed envelope addressed to Fr Chris, and it will be passed unopened to me as your priest. We will consecrate our offering after the last hymn, using the prayer after that hymn on the service sheet.

BIBLE STUDY GROUP  The group meets on Tuesday to look at Acts 4: Adrian Grainge is away, so Fr Chris will act as babysitter for this meeting. Please note: the Zoom link is not the 'usual one'!

MAGAZINE TIME!   Please send any contributions for October to Margaret as soon as possible this week.

INVITATION TO WORSHIP AND WITNESS   On the last Saturday of September (28th) we can share in a blessing and a musical treat when Jersey-based choir Cantabile will sing a
Harvest Festival Choral Evensong in English at 17h00 on Sat, 28th Sept
in the Basilica Saint Gervais in Avranches, led by our good friend Revd Martin Dryden. Worship in the great Anglican choral tradition is a rare treat for us in Normandy, and we hope and pray that it will attract the spiritually and musically curious of Avranches and the surrounding communities. Please book the date, do your best to come along, and share this invitation with any you think might welcome it.
This is also an opportunity for witness, to remind Avranches that they have a welcoming Anglican community in their midst - so it will be great to see local Anglicans taking part in the service.

A QUIET AVRANCHES ANNIVERSARY   After the 'Songs of Praise' Service on 29th September - and the usual cup of tea/coffee - those who wish are invited to join us on a visit to Val St. Père (10 minutes away). It has a panoramic view of Mont St. Michel and its bay and we will mark the first anniversary of our move to Mont Carmel Chapel by enjoying some snacks and a sundowner. (If it turns out to be a horrible wet evening we will remain in the 'Grand Parloir'!)

Stewardship Prayer for this week: (from Anglican Prayer Fellowship, Canada)

Dear Jesus, I thank you for everything You have given me. My gifts of time and talents are precious gifts, enable me to use them to do Your will. I offer you this day all my words, actions and good intentions to reflect my love for You and my neighbour.Please help me realize that I need to share these gifts and all my gifts with the Church and others, help me to be generous, patient, forgiving and holy. Amen

Love in Christ, Fr ChrisTransition Minister designate

Our Chaplaincy Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, 

thank you for calling us to be a Church under the banner of your Name: 

may we look to you today and find clear vision for tomorrow.                                                       

May our life together bring you glory,                                                                                                         

as you make of us a living invitation to enter the joy of your Kingdom. Amen

Love in Christ,

Fr Chris

Transition Minister designate

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