About Us

We have been providing regular Anglican worship in St Petersburg, Europe's 4th largest city, since 1723 (albeit with an 'intermission' from 1919 to 1993) and are part of the Eastern Deanery within the Church of England's Diocese in Europe

We are a community of people from St Petersburg and the world. The congregation includes residents of St Petersburg, both permanent and temporary; international students; and visitors to the city for business, culture or leisure. We seek to support and care for each other and we offer an open welcome to those only here for a short time.  

We are a family friendly church with a regular 4pm Sunday service which meets in the ground-floor chapel of the Lutheran Petrikirche. The forms of service are based on the Church of England's Book of Common Worship

We currently do not have our own resident priest-in-charge so our services are primarily Evening Prayer, led by lay worship leaders, with occasional Holy Communion services led by clergy from our sister church in Moscow, St Andrew's or by visiting Church of England locums. Everyone in good standing with their own Christian denomination is welcome to take a full part in the service.

We offer baptisms and services of prayer & dedication after a civil marriage, as well as the renewal of wedding vows, and we run online confirmation classes in conjunction with St Andrew's, Moscow. 

There are many nationalities and Russian speakers in the congregation but the medium of worship and conversation is English.

The Anglican Church in St Petersburg is officially registered with the St Petersburg branch of the Russian Ministry of Justice as Местная религиозная организация "Англиканская церковь города Санкт-Петербурга" (ОГРН 1197800005270), по юридическому адресу: 190020, город Санкт-Петербург, Нарвский пр-кт, д. 13 литер б, помещ. 132.