
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Patricia Prescott - Tues, Wed, Thursday PM
01844 352472
Revd Dr Jacky Barr - Rector to the United Parish
01844 352027

Getting here

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This little church, although almost entirely rebuilt in the 1870’s, replaced an early medieval building. The rebuilding followed the original size and shape of the church, and the Victorian architects were careful to use the style of the earlier Gothic builders. The importance for us in the 21st century is that this site has been a place of prayer and worship for about 800 years. It remains a place of peace, quiet and tranquility, a refuge, where we can find a sense of the presence of God. Our services are intimate and uplifting and all are very welcome. 1st Sunday of every month, 6.00pm, Evensong. 2nd Sunday of every month, 10.00am, High Mass 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month, 5.30pm, Soul Space We often hold seasonal events. Our congregations are very small but the church has the most delightful, prayer-filled atmosphere of peace. Please contact the Parish Administrator for details of the availability of the church for Quiet Days or retreats.

Just off the B4009
OX39 4RP

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