Save our church for the future

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Our church is on the 'AT RISK REGISTER' and urgently needs a new roof

Because of water ingress from the roof down through to the walls and floor we have puddles of water to clean up after heavy rain.  

We have been raising money for our church roof for several years now - but it is never enough to keep up with increases in projected costs.  Our small rural community have and are  generous in their giving, however we need more money than we can raise alone.   £125,000  How much have we raised from events over 8 years?     Answer is  about 12%  - but the price of the work increases with every year and a tiny community like ours cannot keep pace.   Make a donation however small -  save our heritage for future generations.

We are asking for help   - your help - please.  A donation can make a difference to the survival of our church.  Our community could experience the joy of a dry church in which to sing our praises to God and take our church off the 'AT RISK REGISTER'

  A dry church would make a world of difference - please help us.  You can donate at - please find a PayPal QR code  on this page.  Please  donate and help us save our church.   thank you.