Further thoughts on Rogation-tide and farming festivals

Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear Friends,

As I have been reflecting on Rogation-tide it struck me how lovely it would be if across the Mission Community we could revive the traditional agricultural festivals that enable us to celebrate the beauty of our environment and vital role of our farmers with events that enable us to welcome in the wider community.

There are four main possibilities: Plough Sunday (already a tradition at Parracombe), Rogation, Lammas (in August) and Harvest and now the church has established a wider "Creationtide" season in the autumn to focus on our relationship with God as Creator, and our cherishing of the Creation of which we are a part.

If you are interested in being part of group exploring how we could develop the idea of special events at these festival times of year please let me know,

God bless


The Reverend Samantha Stayte

The Lyn Valley Mission Community