Vicar's Newsletter for Epiphany and Plough Sunday


Dear Friends,

This Sunday we are celebrating Epiphany in the morning and Plough Sunday in the afternoon! The celebration of the arrival of the wise ones to find Jesus reminds us that Jesus' birth helps all of us discover that God is with us, here in our daily lives: in our homes and neighbourhoods, God is present all the time. Our own lives, with all their different experiences can be the journey we take to come ever closer to realising that presence is with us. That maybe one of the reasons why there is a tradition of chalking a blessing above the door of our homes at Epiphany - and I've attached the traditional form of letters and numbers and there are some blessing prayers at the end of the sermon attached.

Apparently, in the past, the Monday after Epiphany was the day when ploughing began so the Sunday after Epiphany was known as Plough Sunday when the plough was brought to church for blessing, a blessing on the daily work of all those who farm. Maintaining that tradition with the annual service at Parracombe gives us a chance to show our gratitude for the dependence we have on the dedication of our farmers and a reminder that the land we treasure is God's gift, which also powerfully leads us to find God's presence with us. This year, Archdeacon Verena, who arrived to be Archdeacon of Barnstaple in September, is joining us to lead the service and preach. This morning I have recorded the prayers and sermon I wanted to send out, but as once before the technology has thrown up a glitch and it plays back silently and in slow motion. My intention for this New Year is to value silence and slowing down - but I am not sure that I meant it quite so literally! I'm attaching the prayers and sermon, with the house blessing as promised. If I can do a better recording I'll send it later!

God bless,


Services 9th January:

9am Martinhoe Holy Communion (BCP)

11am Lynton Holy Communion

3pm Parracombe Blessing of the Plough

Face Coverings must be worn throughout our services (unless medically exempt). Please observe physical distancing. Sadly, for the time being we have suspended the serving of refreshments.