Deanery Synod AGM postponed

Notices From_the_Vicar
Dear All,

Good morning and apologies for emails two days running - but in view of the adverse weather forecast there have been a number of apologies for the meeting I advertised yesterday and the Rural Dean and Lay Chair have taken the decision it is wiser to postpone the meeting.

Thank you to all who replied yesterday with interest - this is an opportunity for me to ask people to consider becoming the Deanery Rep for your church - there is a chance to test out what it is all about at the rearranged meeting here on 3rd March, or to put in your diaries the advance date of 16th June when the Archdeacon will now be speaking (the meeting will be at Bratton Fleming) - see message below.


This is due to the bad weather and high winds that we are having at the moment.
The meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday 3rd March at St. Mary Lynton. Details for this meeting will follow.
Please can you contact everyone that you know that might have been attending the meeting tomorrow evening and tell them that the meeting has been cancelled.Not everyone looks at their emails each day and for some we do not have an email address or a current contact details.
Archdeacon Verena will now be coming to a Deanery Synod meeting on the 16th June
Apologies for the short notice.
Lay chair