Family Fun Cooking Club goes mainstream

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Staff at Parracombe School, part of West Exmoor Federation, were concerned about food poverty with the summer holiday approaching and set about teaching some of the older children how to cook cheap, nutritious meals using items that could be found in the store cupboard such as tuna and pasta bake and bean casserole. Additionally, they ensured that the ingredients for these simple recipes were available within the ‘Give as you Can/Take as you Need’ box housed within the porch of Christ Church.

Exeter Diocese were so excited with the idea, they set up the Family Fun Cooking Club, an exciting new community initiative designed to help families enjoy cooking together. Budget-friendly recipes which are easy to follow and can be taught in schools, clubs or church groups have been put together by a nutrition expert. Churches and community organisations from across the county are being encouraged to prepare bags with specific ingredients and recipe cards for families to access in school holidays or other times of year.

Read more about it here.