About Us

St. Peter's, Eype, is a Daughter Church to St. John the Baptist, the Parish Church of Symondsbury. Consecrated on 25th August 1865 it has always been too large for its congregation but whilst it remains a church first and foremost, nowadays it is also used as an arts venue. However, it is still consecrated, with regular Holy Communion and Evensong services and the occasional baptism or funeral. It is classified as a Chapel-at-Ease and therefore does not have a licence to hold wedding services but is available for renewal of marriage vows and marriage blessings. It is a wonderful setting for such an occasion, on the hill overlooking the sea. 

We are part of the Eggardon and Colmers Benefice (previously The United Benefice of Askerswell, Loders, Powerstock and Symondsbury), consisting of 4 parishes with 8 churches, all led by one Priest, the Reverend Chris Grasske. We have 2 Lay Worship Leaders and 2 Lay Pastoral Assistants helping to lead services over the Benefice.

Parish Safeguarding Policy

Askerswell, Loders, Powerstock and Symondsbury Parishes and their daughter-churches take their responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and work in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.

If you have any Safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Glynis Ronald on 01308 459415 or the diocesan safeguarding officers <span style="font-size: 1rem;">Mrs Suzy Futcher; </span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">9am-5pm, Monday-Wednesday inclusive. She should be the first point of contact for urgent safeguarding advice from 8am-9pm on Mondays and Tuesdays and from 8am until 1pm on a Wednesday (via mob 07500 664800). After that she will handover to Jem Carter who </span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">works 9am-5pm Wednesday-Friday inclusive. Jem should be the first point of contact for urgent safeguarding advice from 1pm on Weds through until 5pm on a Friday. He is available on an ‘on call’ basis until 9pm on Wednesday and Thursday evenings – on mobile 07469 857888.</span>

Hire of St. Peter's Church space

We are available for hire for private functions. Please access through The Eype Centre for the Arts.