Town Prayers

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Bernadette's RC Church
91 West End, Westbury, BA13 3JQ

Each week members of Westbury Area Churches Together meet for prayers for our community in Westbury and the surrounding villages.
The venue changes each week
Usually lasts around 30 minutes.
Any one is welcome to join.

Midweek Said Holy Communion

for 1 hour

Join us for a short service of said holy communion followed by refreshments and fellowship

Tea, Cake and Company

for 1 hour
Westbury Parish Hall
Church Lane Westbury, BA13 3BT, United Kingdom

You are invited to join us on Tuesday 25th February from 3pm to 4pm in the Parish Hall for social time, support,
chat and tea/coffee and homemade cake!
All welcome! We’d love to see you. No need to book, just come along. Activities for children will be available.

If the weather is kind we hope to be back in All Saints Church from March onwards when Tea, Cake and Company will be offered on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 3pm - 4pm.

Mothers' Union Corporate Communion

for 1 hour
All Saints' Church Westbury
Churchyard, off Market Place Westbury, BA13 3DA, United Kingdom

The Mothers' Union meet together to celebrate holy communion together followed by refreshments and time for fellowship.

Experience Events 2025 Preparation Meeting

for 1 hour
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

Come along to find out the plans for the Experience events for our local schools
If you need further information or would like to know more, please talk to those Experience Volunteers here this evening or contact Rev Helen Durant-Stevensen on 824743 or email [email protected]

Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes

for 1 hour

Lent starts on 5th March. We shall be having a service of Holy Communion including the imposition of ashes on two occasions in Westbury: in the morning at 11.00 am (venue to be confirmed, whether at All Saints or Chantry Court) and in the evening at 7.00 pm at All Saints.

During the service, we invite those who would like to, to come forward and receive the sign of the cross traced in ash on your forehead. This is a sign of our commitment to follow Christ during the season of Lent as we prepare to celebrate Easter.

We use the words: Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. Turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ.
These are Team services, and we welcome all from across our parishes to these services.

Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes

for 1 hour
All Saints' Church Westbury
Churchyard, off Market Place Westbury, BA13 3DA, United Kingdom

We shall be having a service of Holy Communion including the imposition of ashes on two occasions in Westbury: in the morning at 11.00 am (venue to be confirmed, whether at All Saints or Chantry Court) and in the evening at 7.00 pm at All Saints.

During the service, we invite those who would like to, to come forward and receive the sign of the cross traced in ash on your forehead. This is a sign of our commitment to follow Christ during the season of Lent as we prepare to celebrate Easter.
We use the words: Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. Turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ.

These are Team services, and we welcome all from across our parishes to these services.

Cafe Church

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Westbury Junior School
Westbury Junior School, Queens Road, Westbury, BA13 3LY

Second Sunday of the month during term time

Cafe Church is perfect for families
Breakfast, craft activity, singing and fellowship

Cafe Church is held in Westbury Junior School on Queens Road, Westbury

You can find updates on the Facebook page Cafe Church Westbury Area

Holy Communion

Every Second, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Westbury Leigh: Holy Saviour
Westbury Leigh Westbury, BA13 3SQ, United Kingdom

Join us for a service of Holy Communion

Stations of the Cross (Mothers' Union)

for 1 hour
All Saints' Church Westbury
Churchyard, off Market Place Westbury, BA13 3DA, United Kingdom

A special service for Lent as we follow the Stations of the Cross around the church together.
A time of reflection and prayer.

Meeting about the future of Westbury Parish Hall

for 1 hour
Parish Hall
Church Lane Westbury, BA13 3BT

Please come along to find out how you can help support the Parish Hall continue into the future and support the community of Westbury for another 150 years.

Tea, Cake and Company

In March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October. Every Fourth Tuesday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
All Saints' Church Westbury
Churchyard, off Market Place Westbury, BA13 3DA, United Kingdom

You are invited to join us from 3pm to 4pm for social time, support, chat and tea/coffee and homemade cake!

All welcome! We’d love to see you.

No need to book, just come along. Activities for children will be available.

In the winter months we meet in the Parish Hall. No meeting in December and January.

Songs of Praise

for 1 hour
Westbury Methodist Church
Station Road Westbury, BA13 3JL

Join us for a celebration with members of Westbury Area Churches Together for a service of hymns, bible readings and prayer