Worship Resources


On this page you will find a number of resources and downloads so that you can participate in the  worshipping life of the church on-line.

Morning Prayer

The Morning Prayer service can be downloaded here

You can join Rev Will and others via Zoom on Mondays & Tuesdays  at 9.15am as they say Morning prayer - click here 

You can join Dean and others via Zoom on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9.15am as they say Morning prayer - click here 

You can join Chris Archer and others via Zoom on Fridays at 9.15am as they say Morning prayer  - click here 

If you want to follow the daily Bible readings, they are listed here for the next month:

Tuesday 27 August

Psalms 13219.8a

Acts 11.1-18

Wednesday 28 August - Augustine of Hippo

Psalm 119.153-end

2 Samuel 19.8b-23

Acts 11.19-end

Thursday 29 August - Beheading of John the Baptist

Psalms 143

2 Samuel 19.24-end

Acts 12.1-17

Friday 30 August

Psalms 142

2 Samuel 23.1-7

Acts 12.18-end

Saturday 31 August

Psalm 147

2 Samuel 24

Acts 13.1-12

Monday 2 September

Psalms 1

1 Kings 1.5-31

Acts 13.13-43

Tuesday 3 September

Psalms 5

1 Kings 1.32 – 2.4; 2.10-12

Acts 13.44 – 14.7

Wednesday 4 September

Psalm 119.1-32

1 Kings 3

Acts 14.8-end

Thursday 5 September

Psalms 14

1 Kings 4.29 – 5.12

Acts 15.1-21

Friday 6 September

Psalms 17

1 Kings 6.1, 11-28

Acts 15.22-35

Saturday 7 September

Psalms 20

1 Kings 8.1-30

Acts 15.36 – 16.5

Monday 9 September

Psalms 27

1 Kings 8.31-62

Acts 16.6-24

Tuesday 10 September

Psalms 32

1 Kings 8.63 – 9.9

Acts 16.25-end

Wednesday 11 September

Psalm 34

1 Kings 10.1-25

Acts 17.1-15

Thursday 12 September

Psalm 37

1 Kings 11.1-13

Acts 17.16-end

Friday 13 September

Psalm 31

1 Kings 11.26-end

Acts 18.1-21

Saturday 14 September - Holy Cross Day

Psalms 2

Genesis 3.1–15

John 12.27–36a

Monday 16 September

Psalm 44

1 Kings 12.25 – 13.10

Acts 19.8-20

Tuesday 17 September

Psalms 48

1 Kings 13.11-end

Acts 19.21-end

Wednesday 18 September

Psalm 119.57-80

1 Kings 17

Acts 20.1-16

Thursday 19 September

Psalms 56

1 Kings 18.1-20

Acts 20.17-end

Friday 20 September

Psalms 51

1 Kings 18.21-end

Acts 21.1-16

Saturday 21 September - Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist

Psalms 49

1 Kings 19.15–end

2 Timothy 3.14–end

Monday 23 September

Psalm 71

1 Kings 21

Acts 21.37 – 22.21

Tuesday 24 September

Psalm 73

1 Kings 22.1-28

Acts 22.22 – 23.11

Wednesday 25 September

Psalm 77

1 Kings 22.29-45

Acts 23.12-end

Wednesday 25 September

Psalm 77

1 Kings 22.29–45

Acts 23.12–end

Thursday 26 September

Psalm 78.1-39

2 Kings 1.2-17

Acts 24.1-23

Friday 27 September

Psalm 55

2 Kings 2.1-18

Acts 24.24 – 25.12

Friday 27 September

Psalm 55

2 Kings 2.1–18

Acts 24.24 – 25.12

Saturday 28 September

Psalms 76

2 Kings 4.1-37

Acts 25.13-end

Saturday 28 September

Psalms 76, 79

2 Kings 4.1–37

Acts 25.13–end

Monday 30 September - Michael and All Angels

Psalms 34

Daniel 12.1–4

Acts 12.1–11

The Readings for Sunday 1st September: Deuteronomy 4.1-2,6-9; Mark 7.1-8,14-15,21-23

The Readings for Sunday 8th September: Psalm 146;  Mark 7.24-end

The Readings for Sunday 15th September: Isaiah 50.4-9a;  Mark 8.27-end

The Readings for Sunday 22nd September: James 3.13-4.3,7-8a;  Mark 9.30-37

The Readings for Sunday 29th September: Revelation 12.7-12; John 1.47-end

Other Resources

Prayer for the day audio and text and Alexa and Google Home smart speaker apps which you can access here

Excellent daily devotional App, "Lectio 365", which you can get here.

Morning_Prayer, PDF
