
Below are two documents and a link which cover our Safeguarding Policy

The documents are

1. Who's who with reference to Safeguarding in Hayton Church

2. Hayton Parish's up to date Safeguarding Policy

The link is to the House of Bishops policy document "Promoting a Safer Church"

1. Who's who with reference to Safeguarding in Hayton Church

Safeguarding in the Parish of

St Mary Magdalene’s, Hayton

Our Policy

The Parish of St Mary Magdalene’s, Hayton has adopted the Church’s policy (Promoting a Safer Church) that puts children, young people & vulnerable adults at the centre of our concerns, and we have adopted the safeguarding policy and guidance agreed by the House of Bishops.

Signed: See original Date: See original

Churchwarden/other for PCC

Who’s Who in our Parish?

Our Vicar

Revd Cannon Edward Johnsen 01228 670 248 ([email protected])

Our Churchwardens

Mr Richard Gaddas 01228 670904

Mrs Jennifer Clubbs 01228 560 829

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer (for safeguarding concerns in respect of children or vulnerable adults)

Mrs Jennifer Clubbs 01228 560 829

[email protected]

Who else can be contacted in an emergency?

Our Diocesan Safeguarding Officer (DSO) is Jo van Lachterop

[email protected] ( 07458016884)

Children – Children’s Services on 0333 240 1727

Vulnerable Adults – our local Adult Social Services Office on 0300 303 3249 ([email protected])

2. Hayton Parish's up to date Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy for the Parish of St Mary Magdalene’s, Hayton 2019

Ethos Statement

The teaching of Christ establishes the special significance of every human being and especially the central place of children in the sight of God. Our church is committed to fulfil His law of love and to provide for the safety, wellbeing and proper development of all children, young people and vulnerable adults in our care.

We will also properly equip and support those adults who work with and relate to them.

Parish Safeguarding Officer

The PCC is to appoint a PSO asap who will ensure the implementation of this policy and the diocesan policy for Safeguarding, and make regular reports to the PCC and the APCM.

The person appointed is –



Tel. No: 01228 560 829

e-mail: [email protected]

Health and Safety Assessment

The PCC will ensure that an annual assessment takes place to ensure that every activity which it organises for children or vulnerable adults, on or off the premises, will provide proper safeguards to protect them from harm. The assessment will consider the premises, activities, procedures, equipment, staffing and all other issues which may affect the potential safety of staff and users. The PCC will require all workers to re-fresh their understanding of the diocesan Code of Conduct and Practice.

The PCC requires that every other organisation which uses its premises will regularly conduct a similar assessment.


The PCC will ensure that appropriate insurance (and third party liability) cover exists for all participants in the activities that it organises.

The current policies are: Ecclesiastical Insurance policy 04/XPG/ 9072303

Details of the policies and the cover they provide are held by Mr Chris Haynes (treasurer)

The PCC requires that any individual or organisation using its premises will also provide adequate insurance cover.

Appointment of Voluntary and paid staff who work with children and vulnerable adults

In accordance with the Diocesan policy for Safer Recruitment, the PCC will ensure that all those who work with children will be properly appointed, trained and supervised. This will include:

When appointing new staff – before they begin their role

􀁹 Appropriate Job Descriptions will be drawn up in advance;

􀁹 Interviews will be held;

􀁹 At least two References will be sought and taken up;

􀁹 A Confidential declaration will be completed;

􀁹 All new personnel will be required to undergo a DBS check before they are appointed.

Existing staff –

􀁹 Will be given a written Job Description if this was not done at the time of their original appointment then any

references which were obtained but not taken up will now be pursued;

􀁹 Renew their DBS certificate every five years

All staff –

􀁹 Will receive regular in-service training

􀁹 Will be properly supervised

Activities/Organisations: N/A

Allegations of Abuse

Allegations against anyone who attends any church activity will be fully and honestly dealt with. The Diocesan procedures will be followed. All allegations will be taken seriously and recorded. The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (and in an emergency children’s social care, adult social services or Police) will be contacted without delay, and all information will be shared.


Any person who makes a disclosure or allegation of abuse will be sensitively and appropriately dealt with, following the Diocese policy. Any adult to whom a disclosure is made will contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser and will follow his/her advice.


Any member of the Church who suspects that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused in any way whatsoever will immediately contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser and follow his/her advice.


Confidential information concerning any adult or child will be fully protected.


Any complaint against any member of the Church will be dealt with in accordance to the Diocese’s current complaints procedure. If a complaint relates to the treatment of children or vulnerable adults, the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser will be informed immediately.

Monitoring & Review

This policy will be reviewed annually as part of the PSO’s preparation for the annual report to the PCC. The Archdeacon will discuss the policy when he makes his three yearly visit to St Mary Magdalene’s, Hayton.

Incumbent Edward A. Johnsen

Churchwarden Richard Gaddas

Date 4th May 2023

3. Link to House of Bishops Document

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