We'd love to hear from you

For baptisms, weddings and funerals contact Rev. Katharine Butterfield 01768 898176, email: [email protected]

For general queries, including maintenance work, contact our church member, Jim Butterworth: Tel: 01768 898031 Other queries to our churchwardens: Pauline Pickstock, Tel: 01768 896130 or Kate Lishman,  Tel: 01768 870973

If you wish to email, it is best to email direct to: Kate Lishman on [email protected] or Pauline on [email protected] The 'contact us' box below will send an email from the 'A church near you' website to Pauline Pickstock, but this may take longer to respond to.

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Pauline Pickstock / Kate Lishman

01768 896130
01768 870973