About Us

St Cuthbert’s, Seascale is an Anglican church with a long-standing ecumenical tradition.

St Cuthbert’s and Seascale Methodist Church

For more than forty years St Cuthbert's and Seascale Methodist Church have held United Evening Services on Sundays. Now the two churches also join for Sunday morning services, alternating between Anglican and Methodist worship and between the venues.

Seascale’s independent ecumenical youth project Shackles Off was established ten years ago. St Cuthbert’s and Seascale Methodist Church are represented on the Support Team.

The South Calder Mission Community began to define its identity and establish itself during 2016. It was formally commissioned on Sunday 29 September 2019 and is moving into the next phase of its work.

St Cuthbert’s, Seascale Methodist Church and St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church

St Cuthbert’s, Seascale Methodist Church and St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church hold joint Villages Services at Christmas and for Remembrance Sunday. In Holy Week St Joseph’s hosts an Agape Supper and in March every year the three churches join the Gosforth churches for Women’s World Day of Prayer.

These churches support the work of the North Lakes Foodbank run by the Trussell Trust and based in Cockermouth, with a part-time outpost at Egremont. There are collection points in each church and donations are regularly delivered to the foodbank by volunteers. The latest news and appeals from the foodbank appear on the News and Notices page.

The three churches belong to Churches Together in Seascale and District (CTiS&D) together with the Gosforth Churches, Gosforth Methodist Church and the Anglican churches of the Eskdale area.

Our legal responsibilities

Data Protection. Read about our Data Protection Policy on the Data Protection page..

Safeguarding. Read about our Safeguarding Policy on the Safeguarding Page

By God’s grace our Mission is to grow God’s Kingdom in Seascale and in our Mission Community. Our Vision is for our churches to be at the heart of our community.