Services at St Luke's

Visitors are warmly welcomed at all services. We have more traditional as well as more informal worship, but believe you can encounter the presence of God whichever service you attend. The 8am service is the old service from the Book of Common Prayer with a short homile. There are no hymns during this service. It is a short service lasting about 30 to 40 minutes at the most.
The church doors are always open through daylight hours - when you can come and visit, enjoy looking around or come and absorb the stillness and quietness of this sacred space. During the week you may be treated to one of our four organists playing the organ.
St Luke's is a warm, welcoming church family.

Sunday Services

Our 8am service is always Holy Communion (BCP).

Our 10am service has the following pattern:
1st, 3rd, 4th Sunday - Parish Communion for the whole family.
2nd Sunday - Parish Communion Family Service - an all-age child-friendly service. An informal service with more modern music, involvement and participation, maybe discussion or drama, use of the overhead projector and videos, interviews and sometimes crafts. A good way to explore faith and encounters with God and what that means.
5th Sunday - a Songs of Praise or a Parish Communion depending on what has been happening during the month.

All services now include singing and have done for some considerable time. Come and join us and join in if you wish.

​From time to time we have Choral Evensong on a Sunday at 4pm when we enjoy the musical contribution of visiting choirs.

Weekday Services

Wednesdays 9.30 am is always a Communion Service. The Wednesday morning service is a more informal service when a few folk meet and share faith and fellowship together. The theme depends on the season of the church and the news in the village and in the country. Requests for prayer are taken and we pray for individuals and situations. There is a time of reflection and space. Often people leave feeling refreshed and empowered for the rest of the week.

TN, August 2023