Sunday 13 October - Twentieth Sunday after Trinity11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassMonday 14 October9.00am Morning PrayerTuesday 15 October9.00am Morning Prayer12.30pm MassWednesday 16 October9.00am Morning Prayer12.00noon Rosary12.30pm MassThursday 17 October9.00am Morning PrayerFriday 18 October9.00am Morning Prayer5.30pm Evening PrayerSaturday 19 October10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open12.30pm MassSunday 20 October - Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassAll are welcome to any of our services.NOTICESPRISONS WEEK—13-19 OCTOBERThis is Prisons Week, in which we pray for all those involved in the prison system and others associated with it. You may like to use the Prisons Week Prayer during the course of this week: Lord, you offer freedom to all people. We pray for those in prison. Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist. Support with your love prisoners and their families and friends, prison staff and all who care. Heal those who have been wounded by the actions of others, especially the victims of crime. Help us to forgive one another, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly together with Christ in his strength and in his Spirit, now and every day. Amen ST LUKE’S PATRONAL FESTIVALWe are invited to join our friends at St Luke’s, Holbrooks, for their patronal festival NEXT SUNDAY at 5.00pm. CHRISTMAS CARDSA selection of Christmas cards is available for sale at the back of church. The cards are being sold in aid of a variety of charities, and St John’s will receive a small commission on each pack sold. Do have a look and see if you can find the cards you would like to send this year. ALL SOULS’ DAY All Souls’ Day, the day when we commemorate and pray for all the faithful departed, falls on Saturday 2 November. We will offer a Requiem Mass at 12.30pm that day. There is a list at the back of church for you to add names of departed loved ones you would like to be remembered in prayer that day. CHRISTMAS DINNERThis year’s parish Christmas dinner has been arranged for Friday 13 December at 1.00pm at the Town Crier. A list is available at the back of church to sign up. Deposits of £8 are required by 27 October. Please pay deposits to Trish Bolton. A further £20 will be due by 8 December.
Sunday 6 October - Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity11.00am Sung Mass1.00pm Ukrainian Orthodox Liturgy6.00pm MassMonday 7 October9.00am Morning PrayerTuesday 8 October9.00am Morning Prayer12.30pm MassWednesday 9 October9.00am Morning Prayer12.00noon Rosary12.30pm Mass7.30pm Coventry Society meeting in hallThursday 10 October9.00am Morning Prayer1.10pm Bablake School concertFriday 11 October9.00am Morning Prayer5.30pm Evening PrayerSaturday 12 October10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open12.30pm Mass7.30pm Cor Cymraeg concertSunday 13 October - Twentieth Sunday after Trinity11.00am Sung Mass 6.00pm MassAll are welcome to any of our services.NOTICESPEACE VIGIL FOR THE MIDDLE EAST A vigil for peace in the Middle East will take place this evening at the Cathedral from 7pm to 8pm. All are welcome to join in prayer for that troubled region. 10 October—BABLAKE SCHOOL CONCERTStudents from Bablake School will put on a concert at 1.10pm on 10 October. The concert is free to attend and all are welcome. 12 October— CÔR CYMRAEG CONCERTOur local Welsh choir will perform a concert in church on 12 October at 7.30pm. The concert is free to attend with a retiring collection. CHRISTMAS CARDSA selection of Christmas cards is available for sale at the back of church. The cards are being sold in aid of a variety of charities, and St John’s will receive a small commission on each pack sold. Do have a look and see if you can find the cards you would like to send this year. CHRISTMAS DINNERThis year’s parish Christmas dinner has been arranged for Friday 13 December at 1.00pm at the Town Crier. A list is available at the back of church to sign up. Deposits of £8 are required by 27 October. Please pay deposits to Trish Bolton. A further £20 will be due by 8 December. ALL SOULS’ DAY All Souls’ Day, the day when we commemorate and pray for all the faithful departed, falls on Saturday 2 November. We will offer a Requiem Mass at 12.30pm that day. There is a list at the back of church for you to add names of departed loved ones you would like to be remembered in prayer that day.
On Sunday 6 October at 1.00pm Fr Ivan Pereliuk will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at St John's. We are pleased to be able to welcome members of the community for this celebration.
Sunday 29 September - Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassMonday 30 September9.00am Morning PrayerTuesday 1 October9.00am Morning Prayer12.30pm MassWednesday 2 October9.00am Morning Prayer12.00noon Rosary12.30pm MassThursday 3 October9.00am Morning PrayerFriday 4 October9.00am Morning Prayer5.30pm Evening PrayerSaturday 5 October10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open12.30pm MassSunday 6 October - Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity11.00am Sung Mass 6.00pm MassAll are welcome to any of our services.NOTICESCHRISTMAS DINNERThis year’s parish Christmas dinner has been arranged for Friday 13 December at 1.00pm at the Town Crier. A list is available at the back of church to sign up. Deposits of £8 are required by 27 October. Please pay deposits to Trish Bolton. A further £20 will be due by 8 December.