United Darlington Charter

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<div data-block="true" data-editor="cfin5" data-offset-key="ed1aq-0-0"><div data-offset-key="ed1aq-0-0">We are delighted to announce that St Matthew and St Luke's has signed the United Darlington Charter.</div></div><div data-block="true" data-editor="cfin5" data-offset-key="etu7o-0-0"><div data-offset-key="etu7o-0-0">The charter has been put together by More In Common Darlington, and confirms our commitment to treat everyone with dignity and respect regardless of ethnicity, language, gender, sexuality, ability, or belief. </div></div><div data-block="true" data-editor="cfin5" data-offset-key="dqll0-0-0"><div data-offset-key="dqll0-0-0">More information on the charter is available on the More in Common Darlington Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/moreincommondarlo/ </div></div>