Holy Communion

Every Last Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Bartholomew's Church. Redmarley D'Abitot
Redmarley d'Abitot, GL19 3JS, United Kingdom

This is a said service of Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer

St Bartholomew's Church. Redmarley D'Abitot

More than a building, a name or a weekend gathering, the church of St Bartholomew is a community of people seeking together the purpose for which God has created us.  We are a  caring,  welcoming and prayerful community within the Leadon Vale Benefice.      As a Church we aim to share with others the gifts so freely given to us by God and meet to worship Him and create a church that is welcoming and accessible to all.                  

                  There are no other faith or denomination Worship Centres or Churches in the village, so we welcome those of all faiths or none. 

                    A dedicated team of volunteers keep our Church clean, well maintained and beautifully decorated with flowers.

                        St. Bartholomew's Church is open every day of the year from approximately 9am until dusk.

            You will find a warm welcome as a visitor, holiday maker or you have chosen to come to live in our community.

Get in touch

Rev. Kat Mepham

What's on

Holy Communion

Every Last Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Bartholomew's Church. Redmarley D'Abitot
Redmarley d'Abitot, GL19 3JS, United Kingdom

This is a said service of Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer