St Gilbert - a Timeline

1083 - Gilbert is born with a "repulsive physical deformity" to the Norman knight Jocelin and his Saxon lady.

1100 - Jocelin de Sempringham built the church of St. Andrews on the site of an earlier Saxon church.

Gilbert is educated as a clerk in France and returns to set up a school for boys and girls in Sempringham

1115 - Gilbert was not yet "in orders" and so his father appointed a chaplain (Geoffrey) to work with him in ministry over the parishes of Sempringham & West Torrington.

1122 - Bishop Robert Bloet of Lincoln employs Gilbert as a Clerk in his household.

1129 - Gilbert de Sempringham returns and is instituted as Vicar of Sempringham and West Torrington by Bishop Robert.

1131 - Now ordained by the new Bishop Alexander of Lincoln, Gilbert built accommodation on the north wall of St. Andrews for seven women, having inherited his father's assets.

1139 - Gilbert de Gant gave Gilbert de Sempringham the valley land 350 yards to the south and south-west of St Andrews to build a Priory on.

1147 - Pope Eugenius III conferred the charge of the Order of Sempringham on Gilbert de Sempringham to rule the nunnery.

1148 - Gilbert de Sempringham appointed canons to serve as priests

1155 - Gilbert and Henry II were friends and the Gilbertines were granted custody & protection by the Crown.

1164 - Archbishop Thomas Becket gave a great feast to the poor at the Monastery of St Andrews before escaping England with the help of the Gilbertines.

1189 - Gilbert died on Saturday 4th February (aged 106) and was buried Tuesday 7th February between the alters of St Mary & St Andrew in the priory church of St Mary. There were already 13 Gilbertine Communities across England.

1202 - Gilbert was Canonised by Pope Innocent III thus becoming Saint Gilbert. His body was raised, wrapped and then enclosed in lead. We do not know where is tomb is.