Canon David McCormack - 50 years in ministry

A service of thanksgiving was held at St Andrew's Church on Sunday 16th June to celebrate Canon David McCormack's 50 years in ministry. Our Rector, Father Aran Beesley, lead the service and Canon Haydn Smart took the sermon. The photograph shows them at the altar after the service. More than 60 people from across the Uffington Group together with David's family and friends were privileged to share before God this service of thanksgiving and vocation. Canon Haydn's sermon started by reflecting on the time when they were both ordained 50 years ago and challenged us to think about our calling. David's favourite hymns were lead by Andy McCormack (David's son), Katie (his grand daughter) and Jules Morgan-Walters. Prayers were lead by Susanna Aldred and Allan Crowson. Thanks to everyone who made the day such a happy occasion for David and his wife Joan.