Sunday ServicesSunday services have resumed at 9.30amWe will continue to Live-Stream services via our Facebook pages the links for which can be viewed hereChristenings & WeddingsFor further information please follow these links: ChristeningsWeddingsPrivate PrayerOur sister church, St Michael's will be open each week on Saturdays between 10-12 .Parish OfficeThe Parish Office is once again open for Christening and Wedding enquiries and bookings every Saturday between 10-12 at our sister church of St Michael's. Covid-19 & Safety in ChurchPlease observe 2 metre social-distancing at all times of your visit; sanitise your hands upon entry and leaving church; wear a face covering whilst in Church; not to mingle with those who are not part of your own household or support bubble. Thank you.Food Bank DonationsCovid-19 has meant increased demand and pressure placed on Food Banks that assist those in our communities who struggle to support themselves and their families. Both St. Michael’s and St. Nicolas’ receive food donations to pass on to local Food Banks.You can donate items at:St Michael’s on Saturdays 10-12St Nicolas' on Tuesday morning between 10 & 10.30 at the lay-by in front of the Church.For urgent matters please contact the clergy.