

We welcome those who wish to baptise or christen their child, as baptism marks the beginning of life as a disciple of Jesus and joining the church. One does not have to be a regular attender, but quite a few parents continue to come to St John’s after the event, becoming a member of our church family.

Baptism is usually preceded by a separate offer of thanksgiving, although it is possible for this to take place independently, leaving baptism for later. Baptisms and thanksgivings are usually included in the main service of Sunday worship, because an important element of both is the notion of welcome by the whole congregation but if preferred, a baptism can be held after the service.

We encourage attendance at church in the weeks leading up to the baptism or thanksgiving as this allows you to experience worship and hear something of what Christians believe and try to put into practice. It also makes you more at ease at the baptism service and allows you and the St John’s community to get to know each other.

There is no charge for baptisms.

If you would like to know more please give us a ring. If you would like to book a baptism please fill in the form attached and email to [email protected]

Further information is available here 

Baptism_Booking_St._Johns2_1, DOCX
