Lectio for Lent-Resources to support your prayer during Lent

Mid-week and a time to pause.

Lectio divina (“divine or inspired reading”)

In Lectio divina (“divine or inspired reading”) we are invited to slowly read a short passage from Scripture. It is an ancient form of prayerful reading of our sacred texts. It goes back to the early centuries of the Christian Church and became an established monastic practice in the 6th century under Benedict.

Many will be used to reading a fairly lengthy passage of scripture and following set prayers lectio divina is different but has been well tested over the centuries. It can take a little time to get used using lectio divina but can be worth it. I will use words from the Book of Psalms for our time of inspired reading and reflective prayer.

Use this time to chill and find a stillness, to put on one side the distractions and any pressures of the day. Lay on one side those things that unsettle your senses and rest in the presence of the Lord.

So, switch off your phone, radio and or TV and find your favourite peaceful place.

Be comfortable, perhaps light a candle and pause to still yourself. Let this time and space become an oasis.

Slowly breathing in and out. Do it a few times and try to relax.

Lord, in the busyness of this day bring peace, a moment of tranquillity, a sacred space to be alone with you and listen.

In the busyness of this day dear Lord, bring peace. (John Birch)

How to enter into inspired reading, Lectio Divina?

Please try to remember this is not a Bible study, the words are a gift to savour not to something to dissect. Our time spent in inspired reading of the scriptures is about an encounter with the Living God, often found in stillness and a word or phrase from our sacred texts. It not a time to be rushed, linger with words, tarry a while.

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