Annual Parochial Church Meeting Sunday 27 September 10:30 am

Church_news From_the_Vicar

We are holding our Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday 27th September at 10.30 am. This meeting is an important meeting in the life of the church when we review reports for 2019 and elect people to various roles within the church. This meeting is open to all. As with everything these days, things are a bit more complicated to organise so, if you are going to attend the meeting in church, please could you us know if you would like to attend. We need to make sure that we can seat everybody bearing in mind social distancing requirements so your help with this will be much appreciated. We are also, hopefully, going to arrange for people to join us virtually by zoom conferencing. If you would like to access the meeting this way, again please let me know. Thank you.

The various forms for election to the roles of Church Warden, Deanery Synod Member and PCC Member are available at church. Please think very seriously about whether God is calling you to one of these roles. If you would like to know more about what they entail, please get in touch. We can also arrange for the forms to be sent to you electronically for completion. Again get in touch if you would like a form to be sent to you in this way.