Second Sunday before Advent Service 15 November 2020

Second_Sunday_before_Advent.pdf Download
Church_news From_the_Vicar Notices

Dear All,

I hope this finds you well and you are surviving lockdown 2. St John's Church is open tomorrow morning between 10.00 am and 11.00 am for individual prayer.

Please find below the link for this week's on-line service - copy and paste into your web browser.

The pew sheet is available as a separate notice and the service sheet by clicking on DOWNLOAD below. This week's pew sheet contains some important notices.

We are looking for more people to be involved in our on-line Advent, Christmas and Epiphany Services. If you would like to help with the music or sing or read or contribute a reading or poem please get in touch. We are looking for both children and adults to be involved but particularly we are looking as a priority for children to sing 'Sing Christingle' for our Advent Christingle Service.

We would be also very pleased to receive your artwork of a nativity scene or on the theme of 'comfort and joy' which is the title of the Church of England Christmas campaign this year. Please send pictures of your paintings, needlecraft, baking, collages, sculptures which reflect this theme. (Adults you can join in this too!)

Please get in touch with Angela or I if we can help in any way.

Keep praying. Keep safe. Keep well.

With prayers and best wishes


Revd Carol H Pharaoh

Team Rector

Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team