We'd love to hear from you

St John's is currently in interregnum (has no Vicar or Priest in Charge)  However the Ministry Team are always happy for you to get in touch.   If you want information about events please check out our facebook page - St John's and Holy Trinity Ryde @stjohnsryde.

If you are enquiring about a wedding or a christening (baptism) or hiring the church hall  please contact the church office. If we cannot take your call please leave a message on the answerphone - we will get back to you. Please speak clearly and slowly when leaving a contact number. If you need to speak to someone there is a number to contact on the office answerphone message. 

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

St John's Ministry Team

The Church Office
High Park Road

PO33 1BP

Our website