Information about leaving a legacy

Charities increasingly rely on legacies to fund their activities. This is often convenient for the donor as life costs are so unpredictable. As the Church has charitable status, legacies bequeathed to it are exempt from inheritance tax.

Should you wish to include St Mary’s Church in your Will the simplest way is to add it as a beneficiary by means of a Codicil. The wording overleaf can be used by you or your solicitor to amend an existing Will.

You may prefer to keep all details of your Will private but, on the other hand, if you do plan to make a bequest we should like to know so that we can thank you. This would be kept confidential and there would of course be no commitment of any sort as a result; you would be entirely free to alter your plans in the future.

Please download the attachment for suggested wording for a legacy to give to St Mary’s for its General Purposes.

Thank you for your attention.

Rev. Lorraine Turner (Vicar),Lucilla Mackay and David Mills (Churchwardens),

Alan Senior (Treasurer).

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