Ravensthorpe in Bloom - off to a good start!

Litter, fly-tipping, crumbling curbstones, and bent railings combine with some street behaviours to make life in our community unpleasant. We need colour, smartening up and a sense of pride in Ravensthorpe to lift our spirits.

Adults and children from Diamond Wood Academy (the school's Eco Committee) met to form the first General Meeting of Ravensthorpe in Bloom. A committee was duly elected, and now sets to sorting out how we can improve the street environment of Ravensthorpe. Things will begin with tidying up, proper waste management and improving the 'hard' landscaping. And we need to co-ordinate this with Kirklees Council's current roadworks. 

Can you come and help us, and be part of a groundswell of locals to turn the tide?

Come and tell us what you would like to see, and what help you can offer. 

Look out for the first of our action days!

for any further information please contact Fr George Spencer   [email protected] / 07388507282

Facebook Group ; "Ravensthorpe in Bloom"