'Net Zero' Carbon Church

Church_news News_about_our_building Notices

St Margaret's Parochial Church Council (PCC) have set up a small sub-committee to look into what we need to do in the next few years to achieve this aim. We will be liaising with our Architect, the Diocesan Green Ambassador, the North York Moors National Park Authority and other relevant parties to make sure that we can meet this challenge within the stated time frame. We have already identified that probably our biggest project and expenditure will be in replacing our existing oil-fired central heating system with it's cast iron piping and radiators and we have set-up an appeal for donations into our restricted Fabric Fund where all monies raised can only be spent on the church building. There will be other areas of concern including what our congregation can do to reduce their own carbon footprint and we will keep you up to date on how we progress through this page on 'A Church Near You' so please refer to this on a regular basis to see what progress we are making. Thank you for your interest in St Margaret's.