
Monday to Friday 0900 to 1600

Saturday 1000 to 1500

Sunday 1000 to 1500

We recommend that you phone the church in advance if you are making a special visit - we often have services and events taking place here: 0207 242 8282

Getting here

Trains Buses Taxi and Uber

Nearest Stations (it's a good idea to check status of stations and lines on the TFL website)

Tube:    Temple (Circle and District) walk up Arundel Street

              Holborn (Piccadilly and Central) walk down Kingsway and bear left at the bottom

Rail:      Charing Cross: walk along Strand, away from Trafalgar Square

             City Thameslink:  walk along Fleet Street, away from St Paul’s

             Waterloo:  walk over Waterloo Bridge, turn right on to Strand

Bus:     Many buses stop nearby: Royal Courts of Justice stop: 11, 23, 26, 76, 172

Taxi and Uber: our post code is WC2R 1DH


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