Our other churches

All Saints is the parish church of Hawton with Cotham and our other church is St. Michael's in Cotham, a couple of miles to the south. It fell into disuse in the mid-1960s and was formally declared redundant in 1986. In December 1989 it was fortunate to come into the care of the Churches Conservation Trust (CCT) and its future  was secured.

Like all churches in the CCT's care, St. Michael's remains consecrated and by their generous leave we are able to hold a limited number of services in the church each year, principally at Christmas, Easter and Michaelmas (the end of September). We will endeavour to publish details of these services on the Services and Events page of this site.

Further information on the work of the Churches Conservation Trust can be found here: https://www.visitchurches.org.uk

The parish of Hawton with Cotham is in the benefice of Farndon with Thorpe Hawton and Cotham and the other churches are St. Peter's, in Farndon and St. Laurence's, in Thorpe. See https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/20107/benefice