Open Group

This Group is open to all and arranges monthly meetings of general interest which appeal to a wide range of people including those of other faiths and none. The Secretary is Mr Philip Cook. If you are interested you may contact him by phone on 0118 3766425. The programme of events for 2023 is available below.

All events in the Downshire Room @ 2.30pm - All Saints Church Hall, Downshire Square, Reading, RG1 6NN (unless otherwise stated)


Wednesday 25th Jan - Open Group - 2.30pm - Downshire Room - Peter Scott - 'The importance of miniature railways'

Wednesday 22nd Feb - Open Group - 2.30pm - Downshire Room - Seated exercises! - rehearsed with a professional

Wed 23rd March - Open Group - 2.30pm - Downshire Room - John Painter - 'Pilgrimage in Reading'

Wed 26th April - Open Group - 2.30pm - Downshire Room - Rosalind Luper - 'History of Art - women of the Bible'

Wed 17th May - Open Group - 2.30pm - Downshire Room

Wed 21st June - Open Group - 2.30pm - Downshire Room

Wed 26th July - Open Group - Midday (for 12.30pm) - Hatchgate meal out

Wed 16th August - Open Group - 12 noon - Bring and Share lunch at Kaikoura

Wed 20th Sept - Open Group - 2.30pm - Downshire Room - Cyrilene Tollafield 'Living with Polio part II'

Wed 25th Oct - Open Group - 2.30pm - Downshire Room

Wed 22nd Nov -Open Group - 2.30pm - Downshire Room

Wed 13th Dec - Open Group - 3pm - 4.30pm - Downshire Room - Cream Tea (£4)