This week's news and posts...

Church_news From_the_Vicar

Sunday 14th November

It was Remembrance Sunday. There was a great turnout of around 140 people with many young families. There was approximately 40 children and many of the uniformed organisations were present including Rainbows; Brownies; Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. These groups had split their attendance between there traditional attendance at Alconbury parade and with us. We were also joined by two military representatives from RAF Wyton Station, who also happen to be Weald residents which was great. From our neighbours at RAF Alconbury we also welcomed a representative from the US Visiting Forces.

The service started with the gathering and introduction on the school plaza before the community walk up Garland Park, noting that this followed the route of the airfield taxi way.  We arrived and gathered around the platform on Memorial Green with the Watch Office behind us.

Here we welcomed those who had joined us, took a moment to reflect that this was an active airfield during WWII. We then stood quietly as the Last Post was sounded, followed by two minutes silence ending with The Reveille. After this following a short Bible reading, reflection, prayers was the laying of the wreaths by the military representative, uniformed organisations, U&C. Then everyone else was invited to place a lapel poppy in the prepared oasis blocks. We finished off this act of remembrance by a commitment to work for peace before respectfully listening and singing along to both the UK and USA national anthems.

Outdoor refreshments were then served from the cricket pitch side of The Pavilion.

Thank you to all those who helped on the day and made all this possible.

Wednesday 17th November

Roots and Wings

It was lovely to be in the twenties again this week, it was all a bit more relaxed.

This week's theme was 'emotions' and the story was 'Guess how much I love you' a new classic.

Craft was making rabbit ears masks which went down well as ever. And out Bible verse was Ecclesiastes 3:4

"There is a time to weep.

And there’s a time to laugh.

There is a time to be sad.

And there’s a time to dance."

A couple of the big screen questions and quotations for pondering were:

Question. A bit different this week by displaying a photo of people with the question - 'What emotions or feelings do you see in this picture?'

Quote. Mahatma Gandhi - "Where there is love there is life."